Special Tool End Nut for Volvo Penta Trim Cylinders

Special Tool End Nut for Volvo Penta Trim Cylinders

Product details

Special tool for unmounting the end cap nut on Volvo Penta trim cylinders

Distance between pins right across: 32mm
Pins: 4mm diameter

For trim-cylinders 872612, 3860881 (AQ290, AQ290DP, SP-A, SP-A1, SP-A2, SP-E, DP-A, DP-A1, DP-A2, DP-B, DP-B1, DP-C1, DP-E, DP-G, DPX-A, DPX-S)

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Manufacturer RecMar ®
Partnr. REC19876
Including 25% tax
Availability: 5-7 days
Stock status: On order

Delivery time 5-7 days
Central warehouse
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Stock locations #
Central warehouse, Europe 101
Marineparts (Finland) 0

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 This is an aftermarket product

This product replaces following manufacturer's part nr

The references that are listed here are trademarks that apply to the respective trademark owners.
The references are used only for a reference purpose. Our product is compatible with these reference numbers.
Please note that our product is an aftermarket product (non-OEM).

  • Orbitrade: ORB19876

If you have questions about this product, send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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